European Identity & Cloud Conference 2017, 9. – 12. Mai, Unterschleissheim

The European Identity & Cloud Conference 2017 is Europe’s leading event for Identity and Access Management (IAM), Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC), as well as Cloud Security. For the 11th time the EIC will offer best practices and discussions with more than 700 participants from worldwide companies including most of the leading vendors, end users, thought leaders, visionaries and analysts.

At the EIC 2017 you will experience how Security and Privacy by Design build the foundation for agile business. Listen to leading experts in IAM and Information Security talking about best practices and ways to effectively mitigate future Digital Risks for your enterprise. Be inspired by a forward-thinking worldwide community. The Conference offers a world class list of speakers and a unique mix of best practices, presentations, panel discussions, thought leadership and analyst views.

Key Topics
  • Creating Business Value, Increasing Resilience: Next-Generation Identity-Based Security
  • Privileged Account Management & User Behavior Analytics
  • Identity Analytics & Risk-Based IAM Planning
  • Blockchain-Based IAM Solutions and Services
  • Strong, Adaptive Authentication: Preparing for the Post-Password Era
  • Automating (Security) Analytics: Big Data, Machine Learning & Cognitive Technologies
  • Privacy by Design: A Practical Approach to Reaching GDPR-Readiness
  • Delivering Value to the Connected Customer: Finding the Right Approach Towards Consumer IAM
  • Knowing & Managing the Risk of Service-Based Digital Business Technologies
  • Integrating & Securing the Internet of Things
Top Reasons to Attend
1. Boost Your Digital Business Strategy and Security

Experience at EIC 2017 a broad range of security and privacy topics like nowhere else. Get the most recent information on Identity, Privilege & Access Management, Cybersecurity as well as the impact of Blockchain on identity and security including current and future use cases. Hear why the times of firewalls and perimeters are long gone. Deploy Next-Generation Identity Based Security Strategies instead. First-hand Knowledge from best practice examples will help you to invest in the right solutions to stay healthy on top of Digital Transformation while at the same time giving your customer a perfect user experience. Get to know the risks of Service Based Digital Business Technologies and increase your Cybercrime Resilience. Open up to customers and shut the door on criminals.

2. Meet Worldwide Acknowledged Security Influencers and Thought Leaders of Digital Security

Connect with a worldwide community of experts and hear about real-life best practice solutions to security and privacy challenges: The top-quality presentations are all given by either senior leaders of world-class vendors, experienced analysts or high-ranking employees in user companies. Get feedback to your own solutions, questions and challenges in deep discussions with experienced security professionals. Solve new challenges together.

3. Get Ready for GDPR now!

Even the smart clock ticks: Are you sure that your business will run the same when EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Rules) go into operation? EIC 2017 is the last chance to get things right within a year. In 2018 the regulation will become legally binding. Especially for customer-facing services, the rules of the game in order to stay compliant will change dramatically. Identify the necessary steps to implement proper measures to comply with these regulations for your own processes and business models. Legal and Technology experts will show you an economical and practical approach to become Ready for GDPR! Gain a Competitive Advantage and Design Your Privacy in Time!

4. Hear how to Perfectly Know and Serve Your Customer

Already one of the hottest topics at EIC 2016, the linking of secure Identity & Access Management with Customer Relationship Management continues to be of the utmost importance for any digital business, not least because the CRM system represents the biggest identity store in the company. With CIAM (Customer Identity & Access Management) data from various sources such as CRM, ERP, Identity Management, and your Website converges. To manage ownership of customer information in a digitally transformed economy with numerous business partners demanding access is one of the most significant evolutions today and it will continue to rapidly evolve.

5. Block the Date and Rock the Chain

“Blockchain, Blockchain, Blockchain”, to quote a delegate at EIC 2016. Indeed, besides a pre-conference seminar on this hot topic, discussing relevant business use cases and the question of identity related to distributed ledgers, there was hardly a talk or panel discussion without the magic “b-word”. What was then however mainly an explanation of the term and first tentative ideas, turns now worldwide into the implementation phase. There won’t however be a one-size-fits-all blockchain, but many different kinds of distributed ledgers instead, each suitable for particular use cases. Discuss the right way to move at EIC 2017. Find out the best option to invest in for your business.

6. The Whole Business World on Autopilot? Integrating & Securing the Internet of Things

Smart vehicles, machines, homes etc.: In the Internet of Things (IoT) intelligent objects act more or less autonomously by communicating with one another. Every”thing” and Everyone is connected to improve life for individuals and increase the efficiency of organizations and services, especially in manufacturing (Industry 4.0). Not all that glitters is gold, however. The borderless connection between cyberspace and the physical world in the IoT brings new risks that need to be considered and properly mitigated by using the right security and privacy measures. Hear more about this at the EIC 2017.

7. European Identity & Cloud Awards

Submit your nomination: KuppingerCole will once again honor outstanding identity management and cloud computing projects and initiatives at the European Identity Conference 2017. The European Identity & Cloud Awards will be presented on May 10, 2017 at the evening event of the conference. The project has to have been finalized within the last 12 months before the EIC conference. Winning an award is a perfect quality seal for your company’s projects and solutions: Show and prove that you’re a Digital Transformation leader!

More information and the possibility to register can be found at: